Private Health Insurance (PHI) members can avail of lower rates on Multitrip and Single Trip policies. Your PHI policy must provide a minimum of €55,000 for inpatient medical cover abroad in order to avail of these rates. The Multitrip/Single Trip travel insurance policy provides all the same benefits however, inpatient medical expenses incurred abroad will be covered (up to the limit of your PHI policy) by your Private Health Insurance provider and in excess of this (up to the limit of the Multitrip/Single Trip) by this travel insurance.
Important note: If your PHI does not provide cover for the full duration of your trip abroad you cannot avail of the lower rates and will be required to comply with the important conditions relating to health as detailed in the policy wording.
The Private Health Insurance plans below provide cover for emergency inpatient medical costs overseas, up to the individual policy limits. Inpatient medical expenses cover will commence when you have reached the medical expenses limit on your private health insurance plan. Outpatient Medical Expenses costs are covered by this travel insurance policy and are subject to the terms and conditions of your travel insurance policy.
You should check out details of your Private Medical Insurance: